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Junior day camp

For toilet-trained 3.5- to 5-year-olds 

Come explore the fun of our Junior Day Program!
Click here for Dates and Rates

Junior Day daily Schedule

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Warm smiles, friendly greetings, sharing time with friends, and an introduction to themed activities is the perfect way to start the day!

Morning INvestigations

  • Engage in open-ended, hands-on activities focused in math, science, art, and literacy.
  • Develop and practice skills with guidance from teachers and counselors.
  • Enhance language development and communication skills during social playtime.
  • Foster independence while under adult supervision.
  • Boost confidence in transitioning between activities smoothly with the help of songs.
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Morning Recess/water play

  • Join us for a fun sensory play session where we will use measuring cups, manipulatives, shaving cream, and more!
  • We will also enjoy outdoor playtime on Norwood's playground equipment.
  • Remember to wear your swimsuit for water play on the water slide every other day!

Lunch Time

  • Full-day campers eat lunch each day and will enjoy Pizza Day every Friday!
  • Half-day campers are dismissed at 12:00 p.m.
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Singing and Story Time

Campers will sing fun songs, listen to stories, share in the camp spirit, and build social skills.

Relaxation Time

Campers can relax, rest, and engage in quiet activities on a blanket from home while listening to soft music.
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Afternoon Explorations in the activity rooms include:

  • Building and Construction Station

  • Dramatic Play

  • Sensory Center

  • Manipulatives

  • Toys and Games

  • Art Center

  • Library Center

  • Writing/Drawing Center

  • Math Center

Afternoon recess

Sidewalk chalk, Bubbles, Parachute Activities, Water Tables, Free Play and More!
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Wrap-up and Dismissal

Campers gather together in the classroom to share their experiences from the day before preparing for dismissal.

Friday special activities

On the first Friday of each session, Junior Day campers get to experience "Friday Specials". These enriching classes have included...
  • Yoga
  • STEAM Story Explorers
  • Jump Bunch

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